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Farmer Training Programme on “Role of mulching in doubling the farmer Income” at KVK, JAU, Pipaliya Organised by AICRP on PEASEM, Dept. of REE, CAET, JAU, Junagadh on September 21, 2023.

     The All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Plastic Engineering and Agricultural Structure and Environment Management (PEASEM), Department of REE, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (CAET), Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU), Junagadh, organized a one-day Farmers Training Programme on the “Role of Mulching for Doubling the Farmer’s Income” at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, J.A.U., Pipaliya, on September 21, 2023.

    The program was inaugurated by Dr. V. P. Chovatia, the Honorable Vice Chancellor of JAU, Junagadh. The programme was graced by the presence of Dr. N. B. Jadav, Director of Extension Education, JAU, Junagadh and Dr. P. M. Chauhan, Principal and Dean of CAET, JAU, Junagadh. Dr. H. D. Rank, Professor and Head of the Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Dr. T. D. Maheta, Professor and Head of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, J.A.U., Junagadh and Dr. S. P. Cholers, In-charge Research Engineer, AICRP on PEASEM are present and graced the function.

    Various expert lectures were delivered to the farmer on application of plastic mulch in fruit and vegetable cultivation for doubling the farmer income. As part of the program, three plastic mulch rolls were distributed to each SC farmer. Total 22 No. of farmers were benefited. Additionally, a demonstration of a patented 'Foldable Container for Storage and Transportation of Agricultural Produce' was conducted. The 40 SC farmers from Dhoraji taluka and 15 faculty members of JAU had participated training program.

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